Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Being Fat is OK

This essay talks about the propaganda behind dieting and obesity. The author himself is considered to be over weight because of the chart that judges every individual based on height. How exactly can this chart be true for each individual? The author talks about three major lies that the government and media has convinced people in believing. Lie #1
That fat people are less healthy than thin people. Lie #2 That fat people would be just as healthy as thin people if they lost the weight. Lie #3 Fat people can choose to be thinner. She then goes into how each of these lies are not full proof and some have no evidence of fact to them at all. She believes the market of the diet industry is milking off the media that is held up in every one should be thin. That in being thin a person can be healthy and live a well life. When there is no proof to back up these facts and an over weight person can be just as healthy. The truth of the matter can never be solved because there is just no real experiment that can prove the theory that thin is more healthier than fat.

1 comment:

  1. Deborah,

    You did an excellent job with your summaries. However, I would like for you to get in the habit of completing your summaries on time.

    Also, if you have not already done so, begin to only summarize those parts of the article that interest you as a writer. For example, an author may discuss A, B, C and D in his article; however, you may be only interested in C and D; therefore, you would only summarize C and D on your blog. For more help with this, refer back to chapter two of the TSIS.
