Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Don't Blame the Eater

The author David Zinczenko talks about a news paper headline "Don't Blame the Eater". He refers to this because people are suing fast food companies for making them obese. He talks about why would it be there fault when people can make there own choices on what and how they eat. The author then goes into talking about his own child hood and how he was an obese teenager. He was a lucky one and made his way out by joining the navy reserves where he got into better shape and joined with a health magazine. David then goes into facts about the newer generation and the rising in diabetes due to obesity in children and young teens. Also the fact that reading calories and getting the right information on food can get really complicated. Food industry companies need to find an easier way to show its customers what they are actually in taking with their calories so this rise in obesity can come to a stop.

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